2010 / 12 / 15
Today was a BIG day to us ~
Because today is our dear LILY birthday ~
So we had prepared a BIG suprise to her ~=DD
nyek nyek nyek nyek ~
I had 'PAKAT' with her mum~
So that we arrived her house at 6 ++pm
Then we start our plan
I'm busy for paste those candles ~
8++ pm
she's on the way to back home
So that we're close all lamp of her house
When she was come inside her house
A birthday music is playing at downstair
And she was followed the arrow which is paste by EE VON
and go to upstair ~
And we was hide at her brother's room
She was weird about it who's preparing a suprise to her
okay ~
when she was opened her room
She was astonished , and gonna crying ~
And we was singing a birthday song to her ~
I think she was touching ~XD
Hope you and your bf keep sweet and stay happiness
Hope you was enjoy this birthday celebration =)
Had a great night with Gloria , Eevon , Lily
Xue er , Penang ,Daniel and Lily's bf~